Sorry it took me a while to come back... I was just enjoying having The Hubs home for Winter Break and was very resistant to anything that didn't include lounging around or doing fun things with my family (and lots of treats).
But now I'm back and we'll play a little Christmas catch up. I'm kind of embarrassed that I don't have more pictures (enter one of my resolutions). I'll work with what I've got.
Prepare for a marathon post, but then the Christmas update will be over!
We went to the Zoo Lights at Hogle Zoo. Even though our buns were frozen and most of the animals were asleep (major bummer) the lights were awesome. When we couldn't stand the cold any longer, we went home and warmed up with some hot chocolate and basked in the glow of our Christmas lights.
Cam and I held a Pie Night for some law school friends. I got the idea from this fantastic blogger and baker. We had a great time and had way too many leftovers!
Gingerbread Softies... (recipe here)
The Pioneer Woman's Blackberry Cobbler... (the favorite of the night!)
...and I made a very tasty Banana Cream Pie (recipe coming soon) and The Pioneer Woman's French Silk Pie (it was, after all, pie night!). I hope to incorporate more pies as our guest list and my pie plate collection grows! I loved spending a few days in the kitchen prepping everything and I absolutely love making pies from scratch. Makes me feel so domestic and American.
Finally, we enjoyed the annual Godfrey family Christmas party! Complete with yummy prime rib and a number put on by all the great grandbabies.
My little nephew... such a ladies' man!
Baby Girl getting ready for her chicken fingers and carrots.
These two spent so much time together while I was finishing my degree! They definitely act more like siblings than cousins. He always calls her "my baby girl" and she asks every day to play with him! We're going to miss him now that school's done.
Another nephew and niece that we love and miss every day! (This Little Miss had the best Christmas tutu and leggings ever.)
"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way..."
My cousin's little boy was super into it...
Colbie dancing with Great-Grandmas Godfrey... Favorite pic of the night.
We had such a great Christmas break and we're so sad to see it end, but this Cutler house is excited for the new year!
How was your Christmas break?
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